RAW Pre-Rolled Tips

These little magical game changers are pretty luxurious.  You could roll you own tip.  There are some advantages to that, like being able to control the circumference of your tip more finely but besides that you’re left with a little work to do in folding and rolling your tips up.  Not with these tips.  You can just slide open the little matchbook style box to reveal a row of seven tips, all expertly rolled, probably by some kind of machine, not the kind that becomes Skynet though, a good machine.  The RAW company uses a kind of machine that wants you to enjoy a good smoke with smooth and even airflow.  Also one of the big advantages to using tips!


RAW tips are made on an antique Fourdrinier paper machine actually.   Whereas RAW papers are made in Alcoy Spain, we only have machines to produce thin paper in Alcoy.  For the thick tipping paper RAW had to travel to an old paper mill in Northern China that was still using an original Fourdrinier.  This was the only place RAW could find that still had one of these old machines in use, which RAW needed to make the special long-fiber paper for RAW tips and completely avoid the aforementioned Skynet scenario.

Modern paper mills use small-structure cellulose to make paper.  The original paper mills used fiber instead.  For tipping paper to perform best, it needs to be made from fiber – not just boiled cellulose.  Fiber – based tips roll smooth AND have enough structural rigidity to both keep its shape in your mouth and to not dissolve.  There are precious few of the original Fourdrinier paper machines in use because they’re antiques and expensive to operate.  We were lucky to find this old mill, it’s the only one in the world that can produce RAW tips to our specifications.


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